Senecio Jacobsenii

Senecio Jacobsenii

  • $30.00
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Also known as a trailing Jade.  

Watering Needs 

When it comes to watering, the trailing jade plant stores water in its stems. That means you don't need to water it too often - just make sure the topsoil is completely dried before giving it another drink. This helps avoid overwatering and keeps your Senecio plant healthy and happy. 

In the spring and summer, during the growing season, water deeply, allowing the excess water to completely drain out through a drainage hole. In the fall and winter, when the plant is dormant, you can reduce watering to once every two to three weeks. 

And get this - any type of water (except hard water) will work just fine. So, whether you use tap, filtered, or even rainwater, your trailing jade will be thriving in your garden in no time. Just remember to avoid hard water since this cactus doesn't like lime very much. 

Remember, it's always better to underwater than overwater your succulent plant. Keep an eye on the leaves - if they start to look wrinkled, it's a sign that the plant needs a drink. 

Light Requirements 

When it comes to indoor lighting, your trailing jade loves bright, indirect light. Find a spot near a west-facing window where it can receive plenty of filtered sunlight throughout the day. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as the intense rays can scorch the leaves. If you notice your plant regularly stretching or leaning towards the light, it might be an indication that it needs more brightness. 

If you decide to move your trailing jade Senecio jacobsenii outdoors, it will appreciate a location with partial shade. Too much direct sunlight can cause sunburn and damage to the leaves. Look for a spot that receives a few hours of the morning or late afternoon sun but is shaded during the hottest part of the day. This will provide the plant with the right amount of light it needs to thrive. 

Remember, it's always important to monitor your Senecio jacobsenii plant's response to lighting conditions. If the leaves become pale or develop brown spots, it might be a sign that the light is too intense. On the other hand, if the plant starts to stretch or lose its vibrant color, it might need more light.